Election Night Beverage Guide

Many LGBT people will be spending the evening November 6 watching election returns. With the outcomes still uncertain in many cases and likely to take hours to discern, one question may emerge for many poll watchers: What shall we sip as we watch CNN play with its “Magic Board” of electoral votes or Rachel Maddow opine on MSNBC? Are there guidelines to advise us beyond the “Drink responsibly” and “Don’t drive drunk” mantras of healthy living?

Here is a paired menu of suggestions for what to imbibe while watching results of the various races and measures likely to be tracked by many LGBT people. Whether one is celebrating or commiserating, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic options are provided.

Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, and Washington are all facing ballot measures that will determine whether same-sex couples can marry in their states. Drink: Champagne, traditionally associated with weddings, would be appropriate for any of the above. Martinelli’s Sparkling Cider works nicely as a non-alcoholic alternative.

A number of openly LGBT people are running for Congress, potentially bringing the caucus up to six.

U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin is running for Senate, and State Rep. Mark Pocan, also gay, is running for her old seat. Drink: A Wisconsin beer. Wisconsin is known for its beer, a result of its many German immigrants. However, the state drink is milk, in honor of its dairy industry, so viewers who prefer something “official” might want to get milk.

U.S. Rep. David Cicilline (D-Rhode Island) is trying to hold his U.S. House seat. Drink: Coffee milk is that state’s drink—a combination of milk and coffee syrup. For something similar tasting but with a little more kick, one can substitute a classic White Russian, a mix of coffee liquor, vodka, and milk.

Massachusetts State Senate Minority Leader Richard Tisei would become the only openly gay Republican in the current Congress if he wins his race for U.S. representative. Drink: A Cape Cod—cranberry juice (the state drink) and vodka—or just cranberry juice.

Sean Patrick Maloney is contending for a U.S. House seat from New York’s Hudson Valley, our country’s oldest wine-making and grape-growing region. Drink: Hudson Valley wine (or grape juice).

U.S. Rep. Jared Polis is running for re-election from Colorado—like Wisconsin, a state also known for its beer production. Drink: A Colorado beer (non-alcoholic if you prefer).

Arizona State Senator Kyrsten Sinema is running for a U.S. House seat. Drink: An Arizona Sunrise—tequila, lime juice, grenadine syrup, and orange juice. Leave out the tequila for a non-alcoholic version.

Educator Mark Takano is running for the U.S. House seat for California District 41, which includes the Mojave Desert. Drink: A desert martini (very dry). Non-alcoholic desert necessity: Just water.

Finally, the U.S. presidential race between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney looks to be a close one. Viewers supporting him might want to remember that Romney is Mormon, a religion that prohibits consumption of alcohol. It might be considerate not to drink alcohol in his name. Drink: Maalox to settle the stomach might be in order as the race goes down to the wire and into the wee hours of the night.

For those backing President Obama, note that he bought the White House kitchen a home beer-brewing kit last year, according to a September post on the White House blog. The kitchen has reportedly been whipping up a number of honey-based brews, with honey from a hive on the South Lawn. Drink: A honey-based beer, such as Sam Adams Honey Porter. For something non-alcoholic, try Honest Tea’s Black Forest Berry or Green Dragon flavors, two of the President’s favorites, according to the New York Times.

One Response to Election Night Beverage Guide

  1. If Obama loses this election, you can blame/thank the Right for bamboozling him. How is it ethical that an entire news network questions the President’s citizenship for four years to create doubt in voters while a fringe element of the far right demonizes and degrades him? Most of this is financed by the rich who want to keep their stranglehold on the flow of wealth in our country.

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