Tag Archives: Advocate

Two upcoming presidential forums will be LGBT-specific

Two of the next four presidential candidate forums will be centered on the Democratic candidates' positions on LGBT issues specifically, including a first-ever nationally broadcast forum on CNN.

Speed Read: ‘Worst kind of stereotypes’

Wisconsin's attorney general has directed the state office for vital records to process the records of marriage licenses issued since last Friday for same-sex couples. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder spoke to two LGBT gatherings. And San Francisco and Seattle

DADT trial opens to little notice

While most people who are concerned about eliminating the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell law are focused on a bill in Congress and a survey by the Pentagon, there is important action elsewhere—in a federal district court in Riverside, California.

Fed partner benefits: The ‘pay-for’ hurdle

When President Obama issued a memorandum extending certain benefits to the same-sex partners of federal employees, he noted there are still certain benefits he cannot extend under current law. But the legislation the president and many LGBT organizations are touting