Tag Archives: caitlin ryan

Gay-straight alliances help LGBT youth, young adults

Gay-straight alliance clubs in middle schools and high schools help youth not only while they are in school, but also later in life, according to a new study.

LGBT suicide prevention conference shows local and national collaboration

Although there has been research dating back to the early 1970s on LGBT suicide risk, it wasn’t widely used by mainstream researchers or mental health care practitioners specializing in suicide prevention, said the director of prevention projects for the American

New study shows that before things “get better,” there are consequences

A popular anti-bullying campaign has been telling bullied teens "it gets better"--but the effects of past bullying often linger, according to new research.

Warning: Anti-Gay States May be Hazardous to Your Health

Same-sex couples with adopted children living in states with anti-gay adoption laws and attitudes had more mental health issues in their first year of parenthood than couples with adopted children living in more accepting states, a new study has found.

Bullied to death: New cases shine light on old problem

The string of recent suicides by teens bullied for being gay or perceived to be captured nationwide media attention last week. But what seemed like an emerging new problem for the public at large is not new at all for