Tag Archives: CPAC

Initial snapshots of GOP candidates on LGBT issues: ‘Confuse everybody’

Studies have shown that only about one-third of LGBT Americans vote Republican, but there’s realistic chance a Republican will win the White House in 2016, so LGBT people need to pay attention to who might take the GOP nomination. The

Speed Read: Mississippi warning

An LGBT activist group sent out a “Travel Alert” March 6 warning LGBT people not to travel alone in Mississippi but some activists say LGBT people should converge on the state. Some fear a lawsuit in Indiana might stir a

Speed Read: Damned to hell

The state's final witness yesterday in a trial over Michigan's law banning same-sex couples from marrying told the court he thinks gays are eternally damned to hell. An Arizona state senator came out as gay this week. Four more men

Pence won’t run for White House in 2012

U.S. Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) announced January 27 that he will not be a candidate for president in 2012. He came out on top of a straw poll conducted at an ultra-conservative Values Voters Summit last September.