Tag Archives: Democratic primary

LGBT support solidly behind Clinton in SC; GOP dividing over Trump

The LGBT community appears to have been solidly behind former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Saturday’s primary.

Mizeur falls, Maloney hits a bump, but 9 out of 12 advance in primaries

Nine of 12 openly LGBT candidates won their primary races Tuesday; but, lesbian Maryland State Delegate Heather Mizeur was not one them. And U.S. Rep. Sean Maloney was bested by his Republican opponent in a head-to-head ballot for the Independence

Speed Read: 53% in work closet

A Human Rights Campaign study found that 53 percent of LGBT people hide their sexual orientation from almost everybody at work. Lesbian gubernatorial candidate Heather Mizeur held her own Wednesday night in the first Democratic primary debate for Maryland.

Speed Read: Aiken wins in N.C.

Openly gay American Idol star Clay Aiken appeared to have won the Democratic primary last night for a U.S. House seat from North Carolina. Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky says in Vanity Fair that Rutgers student Tyler Clementi's suicide