Tag Archives: Denver

Nevada still coming in; Buttigieg has questions

Pete Buttigieg is questioning how Nevada votes were reported, hoping to edge Joe Biden out of second place in last week's caucus. Meanwhile, he had a very person question to answer at a Super Tuesday rally.

Speed Read: No religious exemption

President Obama will sign an executive order tomorrow that prohibits federal contractors from discriminating against LGBT people but, importantly, it does not provide a new exemption to allow contractors to claim a religious-based need to discriminate.

Speed Read: All eyes on Supreme Court

Seven major LGBT groups have withdrawn their support for ENDA, amidst a raging debate over whether the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision is good or bad for the community and whether the LGBT community should accept a religious exemption to

Speed Read: Senate votes today

President Obama is preparing to sign the long-sought executive order protecting LGBT employees of federal contractors. The Senate will vote today on two openly gay nominees to the federal bench.

Utah marriage cases cued up before the Tenth Circuit today, and next week

The Tenth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals today will become the second federal appeals court to tackle the question of whether statewide laws banning same-sex couples from marrying violate the U.S. Constitution. A three-judge panel will scrutinize the decision last