Tag Archives: Fiscal Year 2011

Budget battle: LGBT and HIV programs escape the axe

There was a lot of talk during the final days of the federal budget negotiations that House Republican leaders were trying to insert policy amendments about "social issues" into the budget. And since the White House and Republicans struck a

House plays “chicken” with budget votes; seeks huge cuts in current year

The U.S. House of Representatives over the weekend passed a $1.2 trillion budget for the current Fiscal Year (FY 2011), one that includes significant cuts likely to impact the LGBT community and “massive” cuts to programs for people with HIV.

DADT repeal teeters on the mid-term elections

Google “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and you’ll get more than 2 million links. Add the word “repeal” to the search, and you’ll get about half a million. Add the words “this year,” and you’re down to 135,000. That’s probably a good