Tag Archives: Gallup

Speed Read: Big LGBT primary day

Ten openly LGBT candidates have primary races today --most in Maryland, including lesbian House Delegate Heather Mizeur who's running for governor. National Security Advisor Susan Rice will speak to an LGBT forum at the White House today. And U.S. Senator

Speed Read: Montana’s time has come

Montana now has a lawsuit pending against its ban on same-sex couples marrying. The latest Gallup Poll finds support for recognizing marriages of same-sex couples at a new high. And LGBT leaders in San Diego make clear they want strong

Speed Read: Utah reiterates ban in force

The Utah attorney general and governor made clear today that the state has resumed enforcing its ban on same-sex marriage and called into question whether the 1,300 same-sex couples who have already married there since December 20 can be recognized

Speed Read: Tuesday 29 October 2013

More than 1,800 people turned out Monday to express their views on Hawaii's proposed marriage equality bill. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says he'll bring ENDA to the floor soon. Russian activist proposes rainbows as a corporate protest. And more...

AP: marriage equality support continues

A new national poll demonstrates once again that a majority of Americans now favor giving legal recognition to marriages between same-sex partners.

Perry signs NOM pledge; readies for debates as frontrunner

The anti-gay National Organization for Marriage announced Friday, August 26, that Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry has signed its pledge to vigorously oppose marriage equality for same-sex couples.

Gallup shows dramatic uptick in support for same-sex marriage

A survey by the respected Gallup poll organization reports a stunning jump in support for legal recognition of the marriages of same-sex couples.

Could victory in court mean loss in public support?

An informal survey by the Washington Post published June 18 asked a tiny number of well-placed experts—six—to say what they think will happen if federal Judge Vaughn Walker overturns California’s ban on same-sex marriage. Two of the six pointed to