Tag Archives: Hate Crimes

Speed Read: Mississippi warning

An LGBT activist group sent out a “Travel Alert” March 6 warning LGBT people not to travel alone in Mississippi but some activists say LGBT people should converge on the state. Some fear a lawsuit in Indiana might stir a

Speed Read: Tuesday 26 November 2013

While hate crime reports overall have dropped seven percent in the past year, for victims of hate crimes motivated by sexual orientation bias, they have dropped 12 percent. A Chicago judge yesterday ordered the state to immediately issue a marriage

FY 2012 budget: ‘Could have been worse’…and might be still

There was relatively little for the LGBT and HIV communities to complain about in the proposed Fiscal Year 2012 budget released by President Obama Monday. And given the president’s proposed five-year freeze in non-essential domestic spending, there were some sighs

Fed budget numbers fall short but LGBT leaders fall silent

President Obama’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2011 isn’t anywhere near as much as gay and AIDS groups had sought, but the consensus seems to be that modest increases—and in some places no increases, are laudable in the current economy.

President signs hate crimes law

President Obama on October 28 announced his signing of the long-sought federal hate crimes prevention law.