Tag Archives: Log Cabin Republicans

LGBT Guide to Watching Election Night Unfold

When might the U.S. know whether it has elected its first woman president? When might the country know which party will take control of the U.S. Senate? Will the LGBT community pick up a new seat in Congress? Will Republican

Last debate: Both candidates use LGBT issues

Marriage equality, the Orlando nightclub massacre, and the execution of gays in some foreign countries all came up during the third and final presidential debate in Las Vegas Wednesday night.

VP debate: Stark silence on LGBT issues

Given Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence's recent very public struggle to defend a new Indiana anti-gay law, many expected the issue would come up in Tuesday's vice presidential debate. It didn't. And Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine made

LGBT Republicans celebrate ‘incredible’ GOP convention

While they don't like the Republican Party's platform, LGBT Republicans in Cleveland say the speakers --including the nominee Donald Trump-- showed a much more accepting attitude than at previous conventions.

Hostilities escalate as GOP approves anti-LGBT platform

Even Log Cabin Republicans expressed fury this week over the Republican Party platform's hostility to LGBT people. And the Human Rights Campaign said it is "prepared to go to extraordinary lengths to defeat” the Trump-Pence ticket.

GOP Convention: Some LGBT events in Cleveland but only half of six LGBT delegates are pledged to Trump

The Republican convention next week is expected to nominate its most LGBT friendly presidential candidate ever, but only half of the six openly LGBT delegates to the convention are pledged to support him. Here's what to watch for next week

Orlando aftershock: Is GOP in “solidarity” with LGBT community or squirming over Trump’s embrace

Gay activist tries to organize support for Trump, saying the Republican candidate's remarks following the Orlando tragedy were a "game changer." But not everybody agrees and at least one activist thinks GOP leaders are squirming over Trump's "solidarity" with gays.

Trump and Clinton spar over Orlando attack

In the wake of the attack on an LGBT nightclub in Orlando, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said this week that LGBT people have reason to support his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the U.S.

LGBTs in NY solidly behind Clinton; GOPs scramble to sound ‘reasonable’

'New York values' rejected Ted Cruz, helped John Kasich, and boosted Clinton to 80 percent of the magic number to cinch the nomination

Sanders, Cruz prevail in Wisconsin; Log Cabin ponders convention options

A high turnout of Republicans gave Ted Cruz a boost in Wisconsin but also secured a 10-year stint on the Wisconsin Supreme Court for a judicial candidate who had referred to gays as "degenerates" and the feminist movement as being