Tag Archives: No on 8

Prop 8 loss: The parents weren’t all right

Proposition 8 passed in November 2008 because parents with kids living at home were scared and the LGBT community did nothing to assuage that fear.

No on 8 groups relent; turn over documents

No on 8 groups turned over CDs of "highly confidential" material to attorneys for the Yes on 8 coalition this week, ending a months-long effort to fight a court order to do so.

Contempt order looms in Prop 8 trial

U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker issued a warning on Sunday afternoon to Equality California and the ACLU, giving them 48 hours to turn over documents sought by the proponents of Proposition 8. If the groups fail to comply, they

Groups appeal order to turn over documents in Prop 8 case

A snag in completion of the landmark Proposition 8 trial has now become a full-fledged entanglement. The issue? Whether three groups that are not a party to the Perry v. Schwarzenegger lawsuit can be forced to turn over their

Gays, Blackwater, and aborigines?

A look at how Proposition 8 defenders seek to justify the same-sex marriage ban What do gay political icon Harvey Milk, anti-gay marriage activist Maggie Gallagher, controversial military contractor Blackwater, and the Walibiri aborigines of Central Australia have in common?