Tag Archives: Sean Eldridge

Mizeur falls, Maloney hits a bump, but 9 out of 12 advance in primaries

Nine of 12 openly LGBT candidates won their primary races Tuesday; but, lesbian Maryland State Delegate Heather Mizeur was not one them. And U.S. Rep. Sean Maloney was bested by his Republican opponent in a head-to-head ballot for the Independence

Speed Read: Big LGBT primary day

Ten openly LGBT candidates have primary races today --most in Maryland, including lesbian House Delegate Heather Mizeur who's running for governor. National Security Advisor Susan Rice will speak to an LGBT forum at the White House today. And U.S. Senator

Speed Read: Passionate political moment

President Obama gave one of the most passionate speeches he's ever delivered to an LGBT audience, Tuesday night in New York City. The Senate confirmed two openly gay nominees for federal district court appointments. And the Republican Party is pouring

Speed Read: ‘The same questions’

The Utah marriage case is up before the Tenth Circuit this morning, and an Indiana case will get a hearing on an emergency motion. Politico dings gay candidate over his wealth, and Bill Russell draws comparisons between early days of

Speed Read: Robert Gates disses Obama

New Mexico's Republican governor won't support a push to approve a state constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates disses President Obama over Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal. And more...