Tag Archives: standing

Marriage cases preview, Part 1: Standing in the way

It is hard to overstate the potential impact of the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court cases concerning marriage for same-sex couples. The primary questions posed by the two cases—Hollingsworth v. Perry involving Proposition 8 and U.S. v. Windsor involving the Defense

California court seems torn over Prop 8 standing issue

Proponents of Proposition 8 argued Tuesday that Yes on 8 must be granted standing to defend the California same-sex marriage ban in federal court; opponents argued Yes on 8 must be denied standing.

Argument Tuesday in Prop 8 standing

For the second week in a row, Proposition 8 is in court and, next week, it’s right back where it started. On Tuesday, September 6, the court is the California Supreme Court, and the question is whether there is any authority

Olson-Boies: Yes on 8 trying to ‘usurp’ power of elected officials

Proponents of Proposition 8 are trying to subvert the California constitution for a second time, argues the legal team of Ted Olson and David Boies, in a brief filed Monday with the California Supreme Court. The brief is in preparation for

California high court will weigh in on Yes on 8 standing issue

The road to marriage equality in California just got a little longer. The California Supreme Court said today it would make ruling on whether Yes on 8 proponents have authority, under California law, to appeal a federal court ruling that