Tag Archives: Tom Corbett

Speed Read: Eyes on exemptions

A federal judge in Pennsylvania denied a county clerk's request to serve as intervenor and appeal the judge's decision striking down the state's law against same-sex couples marrying. Senator Orrin Hatch says he hopes President Obama's executive order against discrimination

Speed Read: Complications in PA and WI

A federal judge in Wisconsin refused the state's motion for a stay of her decision striking the state ban on same-sex couples marrying but said she did not instruct clerks to start issuing licenses. Clerks in about half the state's

Speed Read: Monday 23 December 2013

State officials in Utah will go before a federal judge this morning to ask that he place a stay on an order he issued Friday, enjoining the state from enforcing its ban on same-sex couples marrying. More than 100 couples

Speed Read: Monday 25 November 2013

President Obama mentioned same-sex couple households in his proclamation for National Family Week. The Arkansas Supreme Court directed a lower court to re-consider the best interests of a child in determining whether he could have overnight visits with a parent

Speed Read: Friday 11 October 2013

New Jersey judge rejects state request to stay her order to allow same-sex couples to marry; but, state seeks emergency appeal. Pennsylvania governor wants out as defendant in marriage lawsuit. Right-wing presidential hopefuls and anti-gay crusaders convene today in Washington,

Speed Read: Monday 7 October 2013

Russian security may be monitoring calls, emails, and internet communications for 'sensitive" words. Pennsylvania Governor tries to re-write marriage quote. Senate hopeful Cory Booker stands firm in support of marriage equality despite baiting. Victory Fund backs gay lieutenant governor candidate